How Clean Teeth Save Hearts <3
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

How Clean Teeth Save Hearts <3

The Surprising Connection Between Oral Health and Cardiovascular Wellness

Welcome to a journey through the corridors of dental care and the beating pathways of heart health! While it might seem like oral hygiene and cardiovascular wellness reside in separate realms, recent research has unveiled an unexpected link between the two. So, grab your toothbrush and let's explore this fascinating connection.

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Silver Diamine Fluoride: The Dental Underdog!
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

Silver Diamine Fluoride: The Dental Underdog!

Picture this: a simple, painless solution that acts as a shield against the notorious villain of oral health - dental caries. Enter sodium diamine fluoride (SDF), the unsung hero in the quest for healthier smiles. In this blog post, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of SDF - from its use and advantages to potential drawbacks and a sneak peek into its exciting future.

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What to do when a Tooth is lost to Sports Injury?
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

What to do when a Tooth is lost to Sports Injury?

Picture this: you're on the field, playing your heart out, when suddenly, a rogue basketball, football, or maybe even a frisbee, connects with your face. Ouch! Next thing you know, you're holding your tooth in your hand. Don't panic! This unexpected twist can be navigated with grace and a dash of dental wisdom. Welcome to the world of avulsion - where teeth take unexpected vacations.

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The Battle of Smiles: Braces vs. Invisalign
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

The Battle of Smiles: Braces vs. Invisalign

Are you dreaming of that picture-perfect smile, but can't decide between the time-honored braces or the discreet Invisalign aligners? Fear not! We're here to unravel the mystery and present you with a comprehensive breakdown of both options. So, put on your dental aprons and let's dive into the world of smiles!

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Fluoride for Teeth: Secret Superpower
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

Fluoride for Teeth: Secret Superpower

Fluoride is like a protective shield for your teeth, defending them against the forces of decay. When fluoride is applied to your teeth, it teams up with the minerals in your enamel, forming a stronger and more resistant layer. Let’s find out more!

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The Water Floss Revolution
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

The Water Floss Revolution

What is the Hyper around Water Flossers?!

Does it really work?

Is it worth it? Can it replace traditional flossing?

Read more inside!

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101 SmileSaving Tips (Amazon Book Launch)
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

101 SmileSaving Tips (Amazon Book Launch)

101 Best Oral Health Protection Tips!

It is beautiful! It is Creative! It is Eye-catching!

It is a collection of the most authentic, researched, and verified tips and tricks that can help your family save that beautiful smile and help you keep your strong healthy teeth in a full set for as long as we live!

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Top 5 Reasons for Burning in the Oral Cavity
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

Top 5 Reasons for Burning in the Oral Cavity

Ever wondered why is it that we get these sharp scalding and burning sensations in the mouth? Sometimes they are on the roof of the mouth and at times it burns on the inside of our cheeks!

Jees! That feeling when we cannot even eat or drink without bypassing that burn!

Let’s find out What, When, Where, Why, and How of these Painful, Scaling, and Burning Lesions of the Oral Cavity!

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Top 5 Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth!
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

Top 5 Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth!

We have all been there at least once in our life so far. The sensitive teeth! Gosh, talking about it gives me goosebumps like scratching a black chalk-board with nails! See? You feel it too, don’t you?

Read More to Learn How to Treat it at HOME!

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Root Canal Treatments (Behind The Scenes)
Kanan Shah Kanan Shah

Root Canal Treatments (Behind The Scenes)

Is it odd that even as a dentist, I think of the root canal treatment as this extravagantly expensive procedure from the eyes of a patient? Probably not, I can almost bet that you feel the same way. I mean who really gets excited about a root canal after all? Who knows what goes on during the treatment?

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