What to do when a Tooth is lost to Sports Injury?

Picture this: you're on the field, playing your heart out, when suddenly, a rogue basketball, football, or maybe even a frisbee, connects with your face. Ouch! Next thing you know, you're holding your tooth in your hand. Don't panic! This unexpected twist can be navigated with grace and a dash of dental wisdom. Welcome to the world of avulsion - where teeth take unexpected vacations.

Avulsion: A Brief Introduction

Avulsion, in dental terms, is when a tooth gets knocked out completely due to injury. It might seem like a scene straight out of a horror movie, but trust us, the story isn't over yet. 

First Aid Action Heroes

If you find yourself in this dental dilemma, here's what to do right off the bat:

- Stay Calm: Take a deep breath. Panicking won't help anyone, especially your tooth.

- Retrieve the Tooth: If you can find the tooth, pick it up by the crown (the top part that you chew with) - not the root.

- Clean Gently: If the tooth is dirty, give it a gentle rinse with milk or saline solution. Avoid using water, soap, or any disinfectant.

- Reposition if Possible: If you're feeling brave, try reinserting the tooth into the socket. Gently push it in and bite on a clean cloth to hold it in place.

- Preservation 101: If reinsertion isn't happening, the tooth needs a cozy place to hang out during transport. Milk, your own saliva, or a tooth preservation kit are great options. Avoid wrapping it in tissue or leaving it in plain air.

The Race Against Time - To the Dentist!

Time is of the essence. Get to the dentist within 30 - 60 minutes if possible. The longer you wait, the lower the chances of successful reattachment.

The Dentist's Magic

Now, you've reached the dental superhero - your dentist. Here's what they might do:

- Rinse and Reimplant: If the tooth is clean and healthy, the dentist will rinse it and reattach it using a splint or wire for a few weeks to let it heal.

- Root Canal Rescues: If the tooth's nerves and blood vessels are damaged, a root canal might be needed. But hey, it's better than losing the tooth entirely!

- Implant Impresarios: In some cases, an implant might be the way to go. A dental implant is a synthetic tooth root placed in the jawbone, topped with a crown that looks and functions just like the real thing.

A Peek into the Crystal Ball: Prognosis

The prognosis depends on how quickly you acted and how well the tooth was preserved. With prompt attention and proper care, you might just welcome your tooth back into the family of pearly whites.

Winning the Preventive Game

Let's face it, accidents happen. But you can lower the odds by wearing proper protective gear for sports. Mouthguards aren't just for boxers – they're for anyone who loves their teeth.

The Takeaway

Avulsion might be an unexpected twist, but it's not the end of the world. Stay calm, act fast, and follow these steps to maximize your chances of saving your smile. Remember, you're the MVP of your dental destiny!

So, the next time a tooth decides to take an unscheduled vacation during a sports match, you'll be armed with knowledge and ready to tackle the situation head-on (pun intended). Just remember: time, preservation, and a trustworthy dentist are your companions in this toothy adventure!

Researched and Written by:

Dr. Kanan Shah

Co-founder, CEO

The Tooth Factory

Evidence Based Dentistry:
1. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guideline on Management of Acute Dental Trauma. http://www.aapd.org/media/policies_guidelines/g_trauma.pdf. Accessed February 12, 2012.

2. Young EJ, Macias CR, Stephens L. Common Dental Injury Management in Athletes. Sports Health. 2015 May;7(3):250-5. doi: 10.1177/1941738113486077. PMID: 26131303; PMCID: PMC4482297.


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