Top 5 Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth!

We have all been there at least once in our life so far. The sensitive teeth! Gosh, talking about it gives me goosebumps like scratching a chalk-board with nails! See? You feel it too, don’t you?

American Dental Association: Tooth Sensitivity

The pain of tooth sensitivity is like someone peeling off the first layer of our skin and then exposing it to air and liquids, right?! Wait a second. That is exactly what it is.

See, the tooth has this beautiful sparkling and shiny layer protecting the nerves and vessels of the tooth called the Enamel. This glossy skin of the tooth prevents the harmful external environmental substances such as sugars, acids, and cold water from entering the pores of the tooth and affecting our blood vessels and nerves which are embedded in the center of the tooth. If this enamel layer (the skin of the tooth) is somehow peeling, or penetrated, then comes the pain!

Gums Receding:

The Yellow is the Exposed Roots of the Teeth!

How does the enamel get peels you ask?

Common Causes of Sensitivity:

  1. Harsh Brushing Technique 

  2. Consistent Consumption of Soda/Sugary Drinks

  3. Consistent Smoking

  4. Excess Consumption of Citrus Foods

  5. Gum Disease leading to Root Exposure

  6. Open and Infection Tooth Cavity/Decay

  7. Nerve Damage

  8. Old Fillings Breaking or Cracking

  9. Using Hydrogen Peroxide as mouth-rinse and many more…

Oh and I also know that because our teeth become really sensitive, we tend to avoid the dentists’ appointments designated for cleaning, don’t we? I mean imagine that cleaning tool ( the scaler) running on the tooth surface and that cold water spray and gosh, that cold air jet!

Nope! We are not going to the dentist with these painful and irritating teeth! Isn’t that what we tell ourselves? Well, we might actually be causing further harm by doing that! 

When to Visit The Dentist?


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When to Visit The Dentist? 〰️ Download Reminder Here! 〰️

But! There is nothing to worry, there are some amazing natural magical substances that are lesser known. These 5 Home Remedies will help treat the horrific pains caused by the sensitive teeth. No longer will you have to avoid that cup of ice cream! I mean, as long as you cleans the oral cavity after you eat that bowl of ice cream!

5 Home Remedies to Treat Tooth Sensitivity:

  1. Clove Oil

  • One of the most common ingredients for the analgesics (pain killers) in the dental environment such as some filling materials. It naturally aids in soothing the nerves exposed causing pain from teeth.


  • Take a Q-tip or small cotton ball and dip it in the clove oil solution. Then apply it directly on the sensitive tooth directly while avoiding the gums and skin as it may give a burning feeling on the gums.

  • Chewing whole cloves and pooling the tooth in its juices is also recommended.

2. Oil Pulling

  • The most natural medication that helps fight bacterial growth on teeth and gums and removes that plaque/biofilm layer we spoke of in our Brushing Blog by disintegrating it into smaller pieces.


  • Swish 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 15-20 mins and spit in the trash can (not in the sink, it will clog your skinks)

  • Understanding that 15-20 minutes of swishing action can tire the muscles of our mouth and can cause TMJ pains (Jaw pains), we can do 2 sessions of 10 mins, one hour apart as well.

There are not enough clinical studies performed to prescribe this method but it is harmless and it is a trending solution to the everyday tooth pain and gum disease problems.

3. Turmeric

  • The king of natural anti-inflammatories! 

  • It has been the epitome of ayurvedic medication for centuries and helps reduce the inflammation of the gums and neutralizes the bleeding along with pain caused by sensitive teeth.


  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder can be massaged around the sensitive areas twice daily

  • Even a paste made from 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric and ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of mustard oil will significantly help reduce the pain.

4. Garlic

  • Another well known disease killer! And Vampire Killer! And party-pooper! Yes, please time this so that it does not intervene with an outing. Otherwise, we can very well be placed in a very sensitive environment very fast, let alone a sensitive tooth.


  • A paste of minced garlic can be applied to the affected area 

  • Even a sliced garlic clove can be directly held touching the affected area for several minutes multiple times a day.

  • This will reduce the apparent pain from sensitive teeth.

5. Salt-Water Rinse

Saved the Best one for last!

  • The most convenient and easy to adapt method is the salt rinse!

  • Naturally, the salt seeps up all that swelling and unwanted inflammation within its bonds and the hot water helps to sooth the area with a cozy hug.

  • Ideally, this is used for gum-related irritation that leads to sensitivity.


  • Take 1 tablespoon of table salt and dissolve it in a 250 ml glass of lukewarm water, followed by swishing it around the teeth and maybe tilting your head back a little to cover the tonsil area too. Why not treat them while we are at it too. Swish and spit several times until the glass is finished and repeat each night before bed. 

None of these remedies are designed to harm us if we try to inculcate them in our daily lives. Actually, I totally recommend this! These are all natural and herbal in essence. They are mother-nature’s prescription to healing our sensitive teeth!

How do we prevent it from happening the first place you ask?

Prevention Tips:

  1. Cut down on those sodas

  2. Cut down on smoking, perhaps quit!

  3. Learn the most appropriate tooth brushing technique

  4. Visit the dentist regularly

    • Prevent Gum Disease

    • Prevent Tar Build up

    • Prevent Cavities

    • Fix broken Fillings

Hoping these short and sweet remedies help you eradicate that annoying pain from the root!

Get it? Root, like the root of a tooth because when the root is exposed, it causes sensitivity.


Remember! Keep Brushing


Don’t Activate the Scrub Mode!

Researched and Written by:

Dr. Kanan Shah


Co-Founder, C.E.O.

The Tooth Factory - 2019


American Association of Endodontists. Tooth pain. American Association of Endodontists. NaN Available at: February 25, 2021

Mouth Healthy. Treatments for sensitive teeth. Mouth Healthy. NaN Available at: February 25, 2021


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